TJ is making the Motion available on our Home page.
Please read it - you will learn much about the law, and how court procedures should work. You will also find 22 False and Misleading statements that were made by the U.S. District Court in Houston. Top of our Home page:
The activist group, Anonymous, has posted a video mentioning Targeted Justice and Targeted Individuals.
The Reese Report
Greg Reese from InfoWars has also done a segment about Targeted Individuals & Targeted Justice.
gregreese dot substack dot com
Click here:
The Reese Report
Targeted Individuals
Watch now (6 mins) | After 9/11 and the birth of Homeland Security, fusion centers were set up to monitor U.S. citizens. And the U.S. Department of Justice legalized non-consensual experiments on the public. These Fusion centers employ civilians to target individuals and harass them, intimidate them, vandalize their property, and interfere with their day-to-day life. This is…
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7 days ago · 307 likes · 257 comments · Greg Reese
Targeted Justice Houston meeting - this Saturday at 9am.
Onion Creek, 3106 White Oak Dr, Houston, TX 77007
Please - No cell phones. Join us.
This is a clip of Major P, a targeted individual, at the rallies at Targeted Action 2024.
Listen carefully to her.
She served this country.
Now she is a victim of electronica harassment perpetrated by the United States Space Force.
Demand that Congress defund the criminal unacknowledged special access targeted individual program NOW!
On Aug. 28-30, the targeted individual community will meet in Colorado to demand an end to the CIA torture #TargetedIndividual program.
Join us to demand an end to the highly illegal unacknowledged special access program right in the state from where these #CrimesAgainstHumanity are perpetrated against innocent civilians in the US and around the world.
General Chance Saltzman - war criminal
This monster is the US Space Force commander responsible for the torture of 6 million Targeted Individuals with microwave Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), and the burning of cities with DEW lasers. The burning of Los Angeles is currently being done under his command.
He is "highly-suggestible," which is why the CIA pushed for his repeated promotions. His own family members say that his personality has drastically changed. While in his secondary personality, the CIA can control every decision he makes with subliminal messaging.
Read about the CIA's MK-Ultra program and the manipulation of "highly-suggestible" manchurian candidates.
If you need proof that the US Space Force is behind these attacks, and not Russia or China, then please read our newsletter of 17 April 2024, “Targeting: China vs. Russia vs. US”
You can write to him: [email protected]
That is a quote by Ted Gunderson, former FBI supervising agent.
Ask them for their credentials in math, science or engineering to be giving any such opinion.