Targeted Justice
News • Politics • Law & Crime
Created to serve the Targeted Individual community and to educate those that have no idea what a TI is, Targeted Justice seeks to create awareness of the ongoing crime against humanity happening everywhere throughout the United States and the world.
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Dr. Bill Deagle at Schroeder Base

Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado is home to 8,000+ employees, including military and civilians. (If the video is blocked, you can find it online. Search for Dr Bill Deagle experience at Schriever AFB)

The Base was constructed in 1983 - 1985, and originally named Falcon Air Station.

Schriever Base is a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB), approximately 1,200 feet underground.

Bill Deagle, MD worked there in the 1990’s, without a security clearance. He spoke many times with the Commanding Officer. His story is a bombshell…


9 Different Weapon Systems in orbit

From the resume of Sargent Charles Surchay at Schriever AFB in 2017.

Note the reference to 1,300 personnel with 9 different weapon systems in orbit.
The Vircator is just one of these weapon systems.


U.S. Military crimes

Every commanding officer of the USAF & US Space Force has a sworn oath to the U.S. Constitution, and to the International Treaties that are signed. It is to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The GPS coordinates of every target is known to them. They know when a weapon is being fired at a person on U.S. soil.

Under the U.S. Military code - every soldier has an obligation to follow the LAWFUL ORDERS of their commanding officer. They are required to refuse UNLAWFUL ORDERS.

The officers at Schriever Base issue daily orders to attack civilians on U.S. soil - an act of TREASON.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice Rule 916(d)

"It is a defense to any offense that the accused was acting pursuant to orders, unless the accused knew the orders to be unlawful or a person of ordinary sense and understanding would have known the orders to be unlawful."

Targeted Justice has determined that the Lockheed GPS Block 3 satellites, meet the international legal definition for a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION (WMD). The operation of these satellites constitute a violation of the “1967 Outer Space Treaty,” and the '“Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects,” both signed by the United States.


These satellites are being used to track and torture millions of people, worldwide. The satellites are manufactured in Littleton, Colorado, not far from Schriever Space Force Base. The Lockheed Martin Corporation has full liability for the use of these weapons on civilians, and has company offices onsite at Schriever Base.



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What else you may like…
Merry Christmas from Targeted Justice!
Protest at Shriever's - Stop the Torture

This is a clip of Major P, a targeted individual, at the rallies at Targeted Action 2024.
Listen carefully to her.
She served this country.
Now she is a victim of electronica harassment perpetrated by the United States Space Force.
Demand that Congress defund the criminal unacknowledged special access targeted individual program NOW!

Join us in Colorado to demand an end to the criminal 'Program'

On Aug. 28-30, the targeted individual community will meet in Colorado to demand an end to the CIA torture #TargetedIndividual program.
Join us to demand an end to the highly illegal unacknowledged special access program right in the state from where these #CrimesAgainstHumanity are perpetrated against innocent civilians in the US and around the world.


General Chance Saltzman - war criminal

This monster is the US Space Force commander responsible for the torture of 6 million Targeted Individuals with microwave Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), and the burning of cities with DEW lasers. The burning of Los Angeles is currently being done under his command.

He is "highly-suggestible," which is why the CIA pushed for his repeated promotions. His own family members say that his personality has drastically changed. While in his secondary personality, the CIA can control every decision he makes with subliminal messaging.

Read about the CIA's MK-Ultra program and the manipulation of "highly-suggestible" manchurian candidates.

If you need proof that the US Space Force is behind these attacks, and not Russia or China, then please read our newsletter of 17 April 2024, “Targeting: China vs. Russia vs. US”

You can write to him: [email protected]

"The FBI and CIA are behind most, if not all terrorist acts"
Anyone saying you need a chip on your brain to be implanted is...just wrong.

Ask them for their credentials in math, science or engineering to be giving any such opinion.

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